'IndePennDense 2076' wins Philly planning contest

Cornell students examined Philadelphia’s Center City to disentangle traffic and create a sustainable, sociable economy for the city decades into the future. In a design competition, it won first place.

Jacobs Institute scholars rethink building retrofits

A Cornell-Technion research team is developing a framework and methodology for streamlining high-performance building retrofits.

Environmental design Rx for RN workplaces

When Cornell environmental designers asked nurses what they wanted in the workplace, the Rx might make hospitals more hospitable.

Cornell experts help make old clothes new again

Researchers and looking at how to "upcycle" tons of clothing is thrown into landfills into usable clothes in Haiti.

Website celebrates the travels of an urban explorer

Cornell University Library has digitized some of the travel photos of John W. Reps '47, world traveler.

Cook stove designs aid developing nations

A contest held by the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management’s Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise produced innovative, multi-fuel cookers for the developing world.

Fashion design senior wins $30K Geoffrey Beene scholarship

Senior fashion design major Justine Lee received a $30,000 Geoffrey Beene National Scholarship for her design of a clothing "system."

Planners to study development in Indonesia

City and regional planning professor Victoria Beard is leading a new international development planning workshop this winter and spring, focused on squatters in the city of Solo, Indonesia.

Jewelry, socks ease diabetes and arthritis pain

Four students in the Textiles, Apparel and Innovation course have designed products and apparel that ease pain but don't attract attention.