Knuth named chair-elect of graduate council

Barbara Knuth

Barbara Knuth, Cornell vice provost and dean of the Graduate School, has been named chair-elect for 2014 of the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS). The council named its new officers for the coming year at its annual meeting Dec. 4-7.

After her one-year term as chair-elect, Knuth will serve as board chair of the council from December 2014 to December 2015.

Knuth became dean of the Graduate School in July 2010 and has focused its professional development program on supporting students to work effectively with their graduate committees and to foster transferable skills relevant to academic and nonacademic careers. All graduate degree programs have articulated specific learning outcomes and have implemented assessment plans focused on program improvement.

She has been vice provost since April 2010, overseeing undergraduate enrollment through the Undergraduate Admissions Office and the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment. She also serves on the University Diversity Council.

Knuth joined the Cornell faculty in 1986 as assistant professor of natural resource policy. She chaired the Department of Natural Resources from 2002 to 2007 and is associate director of its Human Dimensions Research Unit. She was senior associate dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences from 2007 to 2010.

Based in Washington, D.C., CGS is an organization of more than 500 institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada engaged in graduate education and research. CGS members award 92 percent of U.S. doctoral degrees and 78 percent of master’s degrees.

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John Carberry