Site ranks Cornell eighth in Web popularity

Cornell has been ranked eighth in Web site popularity and Web traffic among the top 200 universities in the world, according to 2010 Web rankings released by 4 International Colleges and Universities (

Based in Sydney, Australia, is an international higher education search engine and directory of 9,200 universities and colleges in 200 countries. Web rankings of institutions are based on three independent metrics and indicators -- page rank, traffic rank and total link popularity -- extracted from Google, Alexa and Yahoo search engines.

Cornell's profile is available at The full list of university and college Web rankings is at

The schools ahead of Cornell in the ranking, in order are: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Harvard University, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of California-Berkeley, Peking University and the University of Pennsylvania.

The site provides user-created profiles for each school listed, and rankings by worldwide and geographic region. It does not measure schools or their programs by quality of education or services.

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Claudia Wheatley