Cornell Tech’s Pierson named Schmidt AI2050 fellow

Emma Pierson, assistant professor of computer science at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech, has been awarded an AI2050 Early Career Fellowship from Schmidt Sciences for her work seeking to use AI to promote equity.

Rwandan leader to give Konvitz lecture

Freddy Mutanguha works to prevent genocide and mass atrocities through peace and humanity education, and advocates for forgiveness as an element of post-conflict reconstruction.

Events celebrate Nabokov as butterfly scientist

On March 14 and 15, a series of free public events at Mann Library will celebrate Russian novelist and former Cornell professor Vladimir Nabokov's lesser-known but impactful contributions to the science of collecting, classifying and understanding the prismatic world of butterflies.

Fitzpatrick lauded for career accomplishments

John W. Fitzpatrick, who led the Cornell Lab of Ornithology for 26 years, earns high honors for a lifetime of groundbreaking work in the study of birds. He is the recipient of the James Madison Medal, an alumni award presented by Princeton University.

Around Cornell

Ice shell thickness reveals water temp on ocean worlds

Decades before any probe dips a toe – and thermometer – into the waters of distant ocean worlds, Cornell astrobiologists have devised a way to determine ocean temperatures based on the thickness of their ice shells, effectively conducting oceanography from space.

Cornell Bhangra to unite community with ‘intoxicating joy’

The long-standing student dance group – committed to spreading the joys of Punjabi culture and dance – invites the Cornell and Ithaca community to its annual Bhangra showcase, the 21st PAO Bhangra, on March 16.

Former CEO of BET shares her struggles, successes

Debra Lee, former CEO of Black Entertainment Television, spoke to the Cornell community Feb. 20 about her journey from growing up in the segregated South to shattering glass ceilings while becoming one of the most powerful businesspeople in America.

Six early-career professors win NSF development awards

Researchers studying large-scale artificial intelligence, microbial biomanufacturing and causal inference methods are among the Cornell researchers who recently received National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Awards.

Scholar of architecture and race to visit campus in March

Renowned architect Mabel O. Wilson, widely recognized for her explorations of race, historical narratives, archives and the built environment, will visit campus as an A.D. White Professor-at-Large for a series of talks, classroom visits and seminars from March 4-8, including a keynote lecture on March 7.