Robert Lieberman explores old neighborhood in new film

Cornell physics faculty member Robert H. Lieberman goes home in his new film, 'Last Stop Kew Gardens,' a documentary about the Queens neighborhood where he grew up. (May 8, 2007)

Cornell's interior design program ranked No. 2 nationwide by DesignIntelligence magazine

The Department of Design and Environmental Analysis has been ranked the best program in the East and second nationwide in the annual survey conducted by DesignIntelligence magazine. (March 29, 2007)

World-class services now easily available to Blackboard users

Mike Tolomeo/ProvidedTony Cosgrave, the instruction coordinator for Cornell Library's Department of Collections, Reference, Instruction and Outreach, right, works with Marilyn Dispensa, an instructional designer from CIT, during…

The sound of a word tells us something about how it is used, Cornell study shows

A new Cornell study describes a series of linguistic experiments showing that the sounds (phonology) of a word can indicate whether it is a noun or a verb. An article on the subject will appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Magazine ranks Cornell's interior design program third in nation

Cornell's interior design undergraduate and graduate programs were both ranked third in the nation recently in an annual survey of design professionals conducted by DesignIntelligence magazine. (June 30, 2006)

Alumni pack Manhattan's Beacon Theatre to say farewell to Walter LaFeber -- their 'rock star'

We all know of great scholars, said President Hunter Rawlings at the Beacon Theatre on Manhattan's Upper West Side. And we all know of great teachers. But to find in one person, Walter LaFeber, the greatest of scholars and of teachers, he continued -- that is a remarkable thing.

'Keep Going Walt': An old-school historian who inspired a generation of LaFeber addicts

Walter LaFeber is a historian who relishes being one of the "old school" types with a sense of humor, a warmth and wisdom grounded in the fundamentals that come from cultivating a long view, whether it be in foreign relations history or baseball. And oh my, are we going to miss him.

John Cleese among trio of A.D. White Professors visiting in April

Former "Python" John Cleese is among three Andrew D. White Professors-at-Large who will give public talks at Cornell University this month – but he's the only you will need tickets to hear.

Cornell receives almost $1.8 million renewal of Mellon grant for humanities and social sciences

Based on the success of a $1.4 million program launched in 2001, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Cornell University an additional $1,785,000 over five years to continue postdoctoral fellowships and seminars in the humanities and social sciences.