Cornell gets $10 million federal grant to establish new institute applying computing to sustainability

The Institute for Computational Sustainability at Cornell, launched with a $10 million NSF grant, will apply computer science to problems in managing and allocating natural resources. (Sept. 3, 2008)

Robert Constable, founding dean of computing and information science, will step down in 2009

Robert Constable will step down as dean of the Faculty of Computing and Information Science when his second five-year term ends, June 30, 2009. (June 11, 2008)

With hundreds of degrees of separation, the Internet doesn't always resemble a 'small world'

A study of Internet chain letters shows that such messages do not fan out widely, reaching many people in a short time, but instead travel in long straight lines, with the last recipient several hundred steps away from the originator.

Secure voting systems may result from federal grant <br />to computer scientist

Assistant Professor Rafael Pass has received a five-year, $450,000 award from the National Science Foundation to conduct research that could lead to secure online voting systems and improved Internet security overall. (March 5, 2008)

Fast-thinking students win regional programming contest and will go on to world finals in Canada

A Cornell team finished first in the Association for Computing Machinery Greater New York Programming Contest and will compete against more than 80 other teams in the world finals in April in Canada. (Nov. 6, 2007)

Four departments get top billing for faculty productivity

Cornell's Departments of Food Science, Information Science, Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering are No. 1 in the country in their fields, according to the latest Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index. (Sept. 12, 2007)

Cornell gets $25 million grant to build William H. Gates Hall, launching new home for computing and information science

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded $25 million to Cornell to support the construction of the signature building for a planned information campus.

Change your computer backup and help save $1.5 million

If you have ever lost a computer file, you know backup systems are crucial. But usually they come at a price: Either they slow down the system during the day, or they waste energy by requiring that computers be left on. Staff members in the Division of Facilities Services solved both problems, and if other departments follow their example, Cornell could save some $1.5 million a year in energy costs. (December 14, 2005)

In 'Six Degrees of Reputation' Cornell authors track plagiarism and abuse of online reviewing systems

Positive bias in online consumer reviews has become almost standard industry practice, but plagiarizing user reviews and passing them off as authentic is another animal altogether, says a new Cornell study that has been tracking that other animal. (December 12, 2005)