CU students help celebrate a new chapter in Honduran town of Tamara -- the promise of clean, treated water

A dedication ceremony for a new water treatment plant in Tamara, Honduras, was attended by 18 Cornell engineering students who visited the country Jan. 4-20. (Feb. 4, 2008)

Weird, wacky and wonderful images honored in fifth CCMR microscopy contest

The winners of the Cornell Center for Materials Research's fifth microscopy contest were announced Jan. 28. (Feb. 4, 2008)

Likable Super Bowl ads can boost stock prices, <br /> Cornell and Buffalo researchers find

Super Bowl commercials that TV viewers like can lead to increases in stock purchases and stock prices, according to a study by Cornell and University of Buffalo researchers. (Feb. 1, 2008)

Students see firsthand how Asia is developing its first genetically engineered food crop

Cornell, Indian and Thai agricultural students toured greenhouses and field trials at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, where the pest-resistant eggplant that Cornell researchers helped develop is being tested.

What goes down the drain, from ibuprofen to soaps, gets turned out to pasture via toxic sludge, researchers warn

Toxic chemicals from households and industry persist in the environment because they end up in sewage sludge. Though pathogens are removed in treatment plants, there are no requirements for chemicals, which contaminate sludge. (Jan. 29, 2008)

Weill Cornell receives $13 million to study risk factors for heart attack and stroke

Weill Cornell Medical College has received $13 million from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to continue studying atherosclerosis and thrombosis, which are major risk factors for coronary artery disease, heart attack and stroke.

Grapes of gnash: Pomace, the residue of red winemaking, may help prevent tooth decay

New research shows that both red wine grapes and winemaking residue contain substances that may help prevent cavities by interfering with the ability of bacteria to contribute to cavities.

Arecibo astronomers prepare for asteroid closeup

The Arecibo Observatory will have its sights set on a newly discovered asteroid, 2007 TU24, next week as the object passes within 334,000 miles of Earth. (Jan. 25, 2008)

CU donates a record 82 tons of produce to area food banks

In 2007, Cornell's Homer C. Thompson Research Farm in Freeville donated a record 178,000 pounds – or about 82 tons – of fresh produce, more than double what the research farm gave away in 2004, to three local food banks.