The 2030 Project invites proposals for annual research-to-impact grants, first round awarded

The 2023 research-to-impact projects aim to accelerate collaborative approaches needed  to combat the climate crisis through practical science. 

Around Cornell

New presidential advisory puts food at the heart of U.S. health policy

An American Heart Association Presidential Advisory, co-authored by Mario Herrero, professor in global development, calls for building on existing research and implementing cross-sector approaches to Food Is Medicine. 

Around Cornell

Gene discovery takes aim at hemp nemesis: powdery mildew

Researchers have discovered a gene in hemp that helps the plant resist powdery mildew, giving the fledgling hemp industry a new tool to combat the prevalent disease.

Cornell AgriTech summer program draws undergrads from across US

Now in its 15th year, Cornell AgriTech’s Summer Research Scholars Program provides hands-on research experience for undergraduate students.

Around Cornell

Surveillance systems critical to food security in lower-income countries

A new project seeks to develop methodologies to assess food environments in two Kenyan cities, understand the role of informal vendors and offer guidance on how to measure the rapidly changing food environments.

Around Cornell

Digitization program calls for proposals

Interested in creating lasting digital collections? The library invites expressions of interest by Oct. 1; with full proposals due Nov. 1.

Around Cornell

High school students explore the language of plants

The CATALYST Academy engineering program at Cornell teamed up with CROPPS to discover how engineering and technology play major roles in plant science and agriculture.

Around Cornell

Cornell-EDF projects to study extreme urban heat, ag sustainability

The Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability launches two new research partnerships with EDF. 

Around Cornell

Incentive programs doubled cover crop use by farmers

A survey of farmers in four Northeast states, including New York, found that incentive payments encouraged participants to plant twice as many acres of cover crops as they did prior to receiving funds – a change that can both improve their farms and mitigate climate change.